European Textile Network

The European Textile Network ETN is a non-profit organization officially registered in Strasbourg, France, in 1993. Currently the network is managed from the President’s office in Madrid, Spain.


- Promote all things related to textile culture among public bodies, experts and society.

- Promote cross-border co-operation in Europe and beyond in the field of textile culture.

- Exploit existing synergies among active agents and promote networking among the textile community worldwide.


- Conferences, in different places every two years in Europe.

- Quarterly e-Newsletter in English, brochures and handbooks.

- Textile news monthly updated.

- Promoting the activities of members through the website and facebook.

- Information point at the ETN office for members.


- Museums, college departments, schools of Textile Art, Fashion and Textile Design, Applied Arts, Fine Arts.

- Foundations, artists&designers associations, teachers’ associations.

- Artists, designers, authors, scholars, artisans, etc.