Melanie Olde

The inspiration for this piece came from looking through a microscope at thin slivers of plant cells. I noticed the packing arrangement of cells that seamlessly tessellate in a not-quite-perfect arrangement. The design of this cloth has involved research in several mathematical areas of geometry. This piece explores a hexagonal tessellation, in different planes of the cloth. The weft follows the distorted outline of multiple stacked hexagons. As the arrangement continues along the length of the cloth, the design is off-set horizontally, resulting in the creation of new ‘cells’,. By choosing transparent, slippery and fine threads to create an ‘organic’ gauze, the cloth enables your eye to discover new perspectives of repetitions and shapes within the object as you move around the piece.

'Pushing the limits' artworks title : Hexagonal Cellular Symmetry
The work is multilayered hand-woven cloth, with some inlaid supplementary weft. Nylon monofilament, silk and stainless steel.
24 shaft AVL Compu-dobby, three back beams.