I explore ways to push the limits of block design on shaft looms. My recent explorations have exploited the ability to form tessellating patterns on extended parallel threadings, to expand the size and complexity of block designs possible on shaft looms. Pandemic Project drew on those ideas, and was also inspired by the craze for building picture puzzles during lockdowns due to COVID-19. I superimposed puzzle shapes on an abstract representation of a picture you may traditionally find as a picture puzzle - a sunrise in the background, with trees, rocks, and earth in the foreground. The relative smoothness of the sky and sunrise contrasts with the ground, where contrasting colour, surface texture, and the small knots formed where threads change direction in the clasped weft technique contribute to the impression of light peaking through the trees on a rocky ground.
'Pushing the limits' artworks title : Pandemic Project
Rep weave, clasped weft, cotton, wool
24-shaft AVL Workshop Dobby Loom (12 shafts used for design)