The gift of a loom 45 years ago turned my printmaking studio into a weaving studio. I am largely self-taught as a weaver, and there have been many stages in the evolution of my work. The process of creating cloth is magical and mysterious. It’s a complicated dance between the loom and a computer and me. I have focused on making fabric which featured complex weaves and graphic patterning. I love creating cloth out of beautiful fibers, and design it using a 24 shaft compudobby loom. The technical advantages of this loom enable me to try endless permutations of fiber, color, and structure. The real magic happens on the loom with hands and fiber, and I always try to move my fabrics into new territory. Technical considerations must be subordinate to creative vision.
'Pushing the limits' artworks title : Ride the Wind
24 shaft weave with 4 wefts. Materials are 40% cotton, 20% rayon, 15% wool, 10% tencel, 10% bamboo, 5% linen.
Sett is 45 ends per inch in a 15-dent reed.
AVL Compu-dobby Loom, 24 shafts